Healthy Eating Is Just As Important As Working Out!

poached egg with vegetables and tomatoes on blue plate

Establishing and adhering to healthy eating habits stands as a cornerstone of maintaining overall well-being and preempting a multitude of health issues. Despite its undeniable importance, a significant portion of the population grapples with the task of sustaining a well-balanced diet. This struggle often stems from a myriad of factors, ranging from hectic lifestyles to … Read more

You need to know about HIIT Workout!

person holding black exercise rope

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, combines short bursts (a.k.a. “intervals”) of strenuous exercise that increases the heart rate, alternating with shorter periods of gentle exercise or rest. There are two important distinguishing factors for HIIT. First, it should ideally get your heart rate up to at least 80% of its maximum capacity for anywhere from … Read more

New to Yoga? Unroll Your Mat!

woman meditating

Surely you entered this publication knowing little or perhaps nothing about the possible advantages that yoga gives you and that is why I want to present it to you, for this reason, we are going to avoid talking about its history (clearly that is not It’s why you’re here!) and we’re going to talk about … Read more

Being Overweight Does Not Have To Impede Training! Overcome it

A lot is said and a lot is criticized about being overweight in all age ranges, but believe it or not, many times the only thing they do is hurt others without even providing a solution! The person is clearly in a situation in which, although he is in control, very strong willpower is needed … Read more